A downloadable mod

Roles: Game Design, Level Design

Date: 2019

Engine: Source

Platform: PC

Context: Academic Project

This Portal 2 level titled  "Cube Destruction" teaches the player about a new mechanic and features puzzles that enforced that mechanic. 

 I designed the level with the built-in level editor and then released it as a mod on Steam. It was a level I specifically designed for beginners of Portal 2 to build upon their familiarity with the game's core mechanics. 

I learned a lot about level editors as this was the first 3D level editor I have ever used, so learning about and utilizing the design space was a fun and interesting part of creating this level. 

You can subscribe to the level here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900661335&searchtext=Cub...